Career at Artsmart

For exceptional individuals.

People are our greatest asset. We recognize that it takes exceptional individuals with different talents and outlooks to form a winning team. If you have a unique point of view – we want to meet you. Our employees are encouraged to bring their ideas, experiences and perspectives, gleaned from their varied backgrounds, to the workplace. We strive to create an environment in which all employees can contribute to their fullest potential without regard to their race, gender, religion, ethnic or cultural background, generation, disability, age or appearance.

Culture & Growth

Artsmart is a high-energy place to work. The bases of our organization are frankness, respect, relationship and teamwork. In Artsmart, you won't be limited by a job description or four department walls. You'll work cross-functionally with people from all aspects of our business and you'll understand how every facet ultimately touches our bottom line. The step here is inspiring, powerful, challenging and fun, but it's also balanced by great support for non-work activities, too. Our culture is defined by our people. Here, you'll work with truly brilliant innovators who are not only top professionals, they're also open-minded, friendly and happy to take the time to mentor, explain and pass on their experience.


We value the skills and knowledge that you bring to Artsmart by offering a competitive base salary. Results-oriented, high-performance individuals can significantly increase their compensation through bonuses awarded as part of our annual performance review process. Artsmart offers a tax free salary and other benefits including Medical and Accommodation etc...

So, are you looking to join a growing company where your knowledge and experience can make a difference? If you are interested in a position at Artsmart, email your resume to and tell us about yourself in a cover letter. Applications without a cover letter are less likely to be considered.